So, we're finally getting somewhere with our music because we have the time to and because it's the middle of summer. Hopefully we'll get a buttload of music recorded and uploaded, as well as work on our live performance before the start of school again in August.
Good news:
-We might actually have a real drummer soon. He's coming in for practice next Wednesday, the 22nd of June. Hopefully, it'll go well! We're getting sick of using a drum machine in all of our music, and it's about time we had a natural player.
-I just placed a new JB Jr. Humbucker Pickup in the bridge position on my red Mexican Strat. It sounds awesome :D
-Hopefully, the new bass strings will come in the mail soon.
-We're getting better drafts of all the songs we currently have, so we'll be uploading more soon!
Bad news:
-With a real drumset, we do not have the technology or gear to record with good sound quality. Needless to say, the sound quality will be at pathetic levels for a while.
-We don't know whether or not he'll enjoy what we play or stick around to do it, and even if he did, we don't know how often he can actually come in and practice with us. Practice is crucial for a band. O_O
-We're pretty much broke, so buying any new gear is out of the question.
-We only really have until August to be moving as fast as we are right now. After that, music-playing and practice comes to nearly a full halt as we prepare for our senior year of high school.
Be back at a later date with more news!